OSF facts

ted%nmsu.csnet at relay.cs.net ted%nmsu.csnet at relay.cs.net
Mon May 30 04:33:07 AEST 1988

OK.... let's find out some facts.

1.  Does anyone know what the actual corporate name of the OSF is, and
    in which state it is incorporated?  (Most likely candidates are
    Delaware, California, and New York, in roughly that order).
    Anyone who has priveledged information can answer this without
    fear since it is of public record.  Anyone with some spare time
    can answer this by calling the offices of the pertinent
    secretaries of state until they find it.

2.  Does anybody want to put the pertinent (i.e. non-boring) clauses
    of the articles of incorporation and current bylaws of this
    corporation onto the net?  The most important sections are those
    that specify what kinds of stock may be issued and what is already
    outstanding, who may be a stockholder and how to acquire the
    stock, who may sit on the board, how the board is selected and how
    decisions of the board are reached.  This will tell us whether one
    sponsor can outbid others, and whether you and i, (and rms, and
    sun, and att) can join.

    This information can be had from the above mentioned offices for a
    nominal fee, or from anybody intimately connected with the
    incorporation (such as a stockholder).

We have heard enough from the people who read the press, and those who
collect rumors, and those who have opinions and those who are truly
paranoid (and those who have no money) but we have heard little
definitive about the public facts of the situation.  Hopefully there
is someone on the net with direct access to this information and a
little time to spend on the matter.

- thanx

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