ksh history editing

Wolf N. Paul wnp at dcs.UUCP
Tue May 24 22:33:54 AEST 1988

ked at garnet.berkeley.edu (Charles Faulhaber) writes:

 >>Not strictly true; my favorite editor is neither vi nor emacs, so to
 >>learn the ksh history would require me to "learn another set of editing
 >>commands just for the shell."  I haven't vigorously pursued switching
 >>to ksh, in part for this reason.
 >The MKS Toolkit version of ksh for MSDOS allows you to specify
 >the editor to be used for command editing.

 That is not the same as the standard command editing capability, which
 is built in and can be defined as either emacs or vi. The user-defined
 editor actually puts a line from history into a tmp file, edits it, and
 then submits it to the shell: this is MUCH slower than either the emacs
 or vi editing MODES of the shell.
Wolf N. Paul * 3387 Sam Rayburn Run * Carrollton TX 75007 * (214) 306-9101
UUCP:     ihnp4!killer!dcs!wnp                 ESL: 62832882
INTERNET: wnp at DESEES.DAS.NET or wnp at dcs.UUCP   TLX: 910-280-0585 EES PLANO UD

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