ksh history editing

Andrew Klossner andrew at frip.gwd.tek.com
Tue May 24 03:42:42 AEST 1988


	"What's beautiful is that you can use it with the command set
	of your favorite editor, whether vi or emacs; there is no need
	to learn another set of editing commands just for the shell."

Not strictly true; my favorite editor is neither vi nor emacs, so to
learn the ksh history would require me to "learn another set of editing
commands just for the shell."  I haven't vigorously pursued switching
to ksh, in part for this reason.

  -=- Andrew Klossner   (decvax!tektronix!tekecs!andrew)       [UUCP]
                        (andrew%tekecs.tek.com at relay.cs.net)   [ARPA]

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