KSH portability
Guy Harris
guy at gorodish.Sun.COM
Sun May 8 07:08:33 AEST 1988
> I had a conversation with Korn about this once. He said that
> if he made ksh lint free that it would lose portability! I
> was pretty suprised, but I'll believe him.
I'm pretty surprised, too, but I'm not sure *I* believe him. The complaints
listed (null-pointer arguments not properly cast, functions returning pointers
not properly declared, etc.) reduce portability when fixed only if
"portability" means "portability to systems with horribly broken C compilers".
They *increase* portability to systems with *valid* C implementations where:
1) pointers and "int"s are not the same size
2) null pointers aren't represented by all-zero bit patterns
3) functions returning pointers, and functions returning "int"s, return
their results differently
There may be cases where making it completely free of "lint" complaints may
cause problems; however, all the problems listed above can be fixed without
impairing portability, and the first of them, at least, is a *real* problem on
*many* implementations.
> Back to the stdio hassle with ksh, Korn also told me once that
> one of the biggest problems in making sh pportable was that the
> stdio *implementations* differed so much. I'm sure he would
> have done the "portable thing" if it were possible, but it must
> not have been possible. Isn't all the world System V :-)
The only way that making something portable is made difficult by differences in
*implementations* is if you're depending on particular details of the
implementation. If you want to make code portable, you avoid doing that
wherever possible; you code to the specification, not the implementation.
If you absolutely *must* depend on those details, you had better be prepared to
give up portability. Period. (And, frankly, I don't think that Korn had to
depend on those details; I redid the Korn shell's use of standard I/O to depend
far less on the implementation just so I *could* get it to work on a system
where not all "FILE" structures came from a single array.)
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