Open Software Foundation (actually, AT&T licenses)

JQ Johnson jqj at
Sun May 22 00:16:39 AEST 1988

The discussion seems to have shifted from OSF to SysV R3 licenses.

One of the major complaints I heard from people at both DEC and HP last
year was that AT&T was requiring SVID compliance (including full
compliance with the SV test suite even though the suite had not been
fully released at the time) for *any* code that made use of or was
derived from any part of the Sys V sources.  HP in particular is in the
business of making more than workstations; I can imagine how they might
want to incorporate awk or streams or something in rom in a lab device,
pay the U..X license fee for the device, but not incorporate *all* of
SysVR3 in the device.

Can anyone report on whether this is still a sticking point for potential
AT&T licensees?

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