O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?

Doug Gwyn gwyn at brl-smoke.ARPA
Mon May 30 08:11:55 AEST 1988

In article <700 at cernvax.UUCP> lid at cernvax.UUCP () writes:
>		their system is different and if it better than Unix
>		we (users) gain, if it is worse we are stuck with ATT
>		and they've lost 90M$.

The counter-argument is that no matter whether it is marginally better
or marginally worse, so long as it is different, application developers
will have to deal with it (unless it were not much used, but with DEC
and IBM pushing it, it will be used regardless of its merit).

The users lose because the developers lose.

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