Looking for a dh driver

Larry W. Virden lwv at n8emr.UUCP
Fri May 6 03:05:14 AEST 1988

I am looking for an Ultrix/42bsd/43bsd dh driver source code.  We are trying
to increase the size of the clist buffers and TTYHOG - when we do, the dh
driver that we are using quits working.  Anyone an expert out there willing
to help?  Thanks!

Larry W. Virden	 75046,606 (CIS)
674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 864-8817
osu-cis!n8emr!lwv (UUCP)	osu-cis!n8emr!lwv at TUT.CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU (BITNET)
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