Counting sh users

Root Boy Jim rbj at
Fri May 20 10:32:22 AEST 1988

   From: Cesar Quiroz <quiroz at>

   I tried same in our systems and discovered NO sh users.  Now, that
   is peculiar, as I know of at least one.  Careful inspection showed
   that his entry in the /etc/passwd didn't have a shell field.   That
   defaults to /bin/sh.  So, you too might be undercounting your sh
   users, if their entries are just defaulting.

Or where you count it might make a difference. At TPC, most people
sh or ksh. On a BSD derived system, most everyone uses csh or tcsh.
BRL might be an exception. BTW, how many people actually use a System V
environment on machines that provide dual universes? Are those companys
merely practicing their porting skills?

   Cesar Augusto Quiroz Gonzalez
   Department of Computer Science     ...allegra!rochester!quiroz
   University of Rochester            or
   Rochester,  NY 14627               quiroz at

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell	<rbj at>
	National Bureau of Standards
	Flamer's Hotline: (301) 975-5688
	The opinions expressed are solely my own
	and do not reflect NBS policy or agreement
	My name is in /usr/dict/words. Is yours?

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