sending signal from within shell script

Kate Lowenstein katel at amdcad.AMD.COM
Tue May 17 04:13:16 AEST 1988

Is it possible to send a signal from a here document to be
processed by a TRAP command in a Bourne shell script?
I have been unable to figure out a way to do this.

I have a Fortran interactive test that I am trying to write
a script for so the computer does the work, not the tester.
The Fortran 'pause' and 'stop' statements are being tested.
They interact with the system: the system sends out a pause,
and the operator is supposed to respond with a 'go'.  
Interactively, I have no problems: when I get to the 'stop'
statement, the test finishes.

I have set up a Bourne shell script with a here document to
send the 'go' commands, and it works fine until it gets to
the 'stop' command.  Then the system prints a message:
"To resume execution, type: kill -15 PID"

I know about using $$ to substitute for PID number, but the
wrong PID number is getting substituted.  The number used
by the $$ is the number for the whole shell script; the number
I need is for the execution step within the shell script.
So I thought if I could send an 'interrupt' signal from the
here document and have it processed by the TRAP command, I 
could do a ps, and extract the correct PID number, and substitute
that correct number in the here document, and my test would finish
correctly.  But I have been unable to figure out HOW to send a

Is this confusing?  Maybe if I copy from a recent script:

$ /bin/sh/-x rt257

PAUSE: To resume execution, type: kill -15 29659 

% ps
29659    /bin/sh/sh -x rt257
29680    257.x
What I need to do with my here document is to send an interrupt
signal to be handled by a TRAP command at the beginning of the

Is it possible to do what I am trying to do????
Kate Lowenstein

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