Autologout of unused terminals

Bjorn Engsig bengsig at orcenl.uucp
Wed Nov 23 22:50:04 AEST 1988

Is there any way to see if a terminal has not been used for some time,
and if it hasn't, to send a hangup to the processes there?  We are looking
for a system that is usable on all flavors and variants of unix, including
SystemV, BSD, AIX, HP-UX, etc. etc., but if somebody has some idea or
even sources for a particular system, it is mostly welcome as well.

The mechanism should NOT depend on the use of a particular shell.

Bjorn Engsig, ORACLE Europe      \ /    "Hofstaedter's Law:  It always takes
 ..!uunet!mcvax!orcenl!bengsig    X      longer than you expect, even if you
phone:  +31 21 59 56 411         / \     take into account Hofstaedter's Law"

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