bin owning files

Paul Traina pst at
Sun Nov 20 08:40:54 AEST 1988

>From article <6710 at rosevax.Rosemount.COM>, by news at rosevax.Rosemount.COM (News administrator):
< I haven't tried this, but the manual says that the user's .rhosts file is
< read BEFORE rhosts.equiv.  So you should be able to put a .rhosts in
< bin's home directory, and configure it to deny rlogin/rsh to all hosts.
< This should override the general permissions in hosts.equiv.
< Dan Messinger
< dan at

Yet another good idea, but none of these address the 'root/bin' as NFS
problem.  I'm sure that there's something that I've overlooked.  Perhaps
puting stringent netgroup requirements on the system, and not allowing
root/bin/adm write access to certain partitions?  Currently I am unaware
of any ability within UNIX & NFS to provide such a selective level of

p.s. moved followups to comp.unix.wizards, since this really isn't a bug.

Paul Traina				To believe that what is true for
{uunet|pyramid}!comdesign!pst		you in your private heart is true
pst at				for all men, that is genius.

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