Tangible goods and (Re: The Internet Virus--A Commentary)

Peter da Silva peter at ficc.uu.net
Sat Nov 19 02:42:46 AEST 1988

Dennis Rears writes:
>	In my opinion, the use of sendmail was authorized, BUT the use of the
>other system to execute code was UNauthorized.  Saying that point 2 was
>authorized is like saying that because I left my car doors unlocked, the
>person who takes my car was allowed to do so with my consent.

Speaking as someone who has been in a similar situation, proving that someone
who has had access to your vehicle didn't have your consent to take it is
not a trivial matter.

Again on the subject of cars, it appears that GM cars have a common flaw
that makes them comparitively easy to steal. Can you sue GM for the cost of
replacing your car because of this?
Peter da Silva  `-_-'  Ferranti International Controls Corporation
"Have you hugged  U  your wolf today?"     uunet.uu.net!ficc!peter
Disclaimer: My typos are my own damn business.   peter at ficc.uu.net

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