
Andreas Stolcke stolcke at
Sun Nov 20 10:44:30 AEST 1988

In article <15200 at> bondc at iuvax.UUCP (Clay M Bond) writes:
>>Bussmann's dictionary states that the original umlaut (the initial
>>assimilation) is indeed an all-germanic phenomenon, i.e. occurred
>>independently in all germanic languages. Again, due to later
>No, absolutely not.  One of the distinguishing hallmarks of the Eastern
>Germanic languages (Gothic) was that it had no umlaut.  However, most
>Germanicists (and their articles) use the phrase "all Germanic languages"
>(or words to that effect), when in fact they mean, "all North and West
>Germanic languages."  Why, I wonder, is Wulfila so ignored?  :-)
You're right, of course. Bussmann actually gives Gothic as an exception,
it was just negligence on my part.

Andreas Stolcke
(stolcke at ernie.Berkeley.EDU)

Andreas Stolcke
(stolcke at ernie.Berkeley.EDU)

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