
James Logan III logan at vsedev.VSE.COM
Thu Nov 17 08:29:46 AEST 1988

In article <466 at yarra.oz.au> cm at yarra.oz.au (Charles Meo) writes:
>Why not put something in rm to check for the '*' token by itself and say
>something like:
>Are you sure y/n?

This isn't possible without modifying the shell.  Rm never gets
to see the asterisk because the shell expands it and passes the files
that match the wildcard expression to the rm command.  


<<GAG>>  If they made MS-DOS support multiple links to a file,
let you move a file rather than having to copy and delete, and
got rid of that stupid out-of-reach backslash it wouldn't be half
bad.  Then again...

Jim Logan		logan at vsedev.vse.com
(703) 892-0002		uucp:	..!uunet!vsedev!logan
			inet:	logan%vsedev.vse.com at uunet.uu.net

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