Autologout of unused terminals

Eric Pearce eap at bu-cs.BU.EDU
Sat Nov 26 15:08:06 AEST 1988

In article <8978 at smoke.BRL.MIL> gwyn at (Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn>) says:
>In article <201.nlunix6 at orcenl.uucp> bengsig at orcenl.uucp (Bjorn Engsig) writes:
>>Is there any way to see if a terminal has not been used for some time,
>>and if it hasn't, to send a hangup to the processes there?
>Try that around here and you may get stomped on!
>Just why this is a BAD idea has been spelled out many times before
>and need not be repeated.
 I think there is a program called 'untamo' in one of those comp.sources.unix
 archives.  It prints a warning on the idle terminal and then kills them off
 if they remain idle.  You could easily modify it to have an exception list of
 terminals to ignore.

 This could be useful in an environment such as a university, where you have 
 a 'terminal room' with people fighting over a small number of terminals.


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