Rimfire 3200 driver wanted for SunOs 4.0

Roland Dirlewanger rd at lri.lri.fr
Sat Nov 5 06:03:57 AEST 1988

I've just installed a Rimfire 3200 controller on Sun 4/260 running
SunOs 4.0. After some trivial modifications to the rf.c driver I use on
Sun 3's, I could compile the driver and make some tests: read and writes
were OK. When I tried to change the partition table the system crashed:

some ioctl work, some other crash the system. As far as I could check,
it seems that the function "retconf" is responsible for this behaviour.

Has someone ported the driver under SunOs 4.0 ? Could s/he send me a copy
of it ?

Thank's a lot in advance !

PS: please, answer by mail at one of the following addresses:

		rd at FRLRI61.BITNET

or		rd at lri.fr
or		rd at lri.uucp

Roland Dirlewanger, Universite Paris-Sud, LRI Batiment 490,
		91405 Orsay Cedex - France.

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