Autologout of unused terminals

Bjorn Engsig bengsig at orcenl.uucp
Wed Nov 30 18:40:00 AEST 1988

In article <9012 at smoke.BRL.MIL>, gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn ) writes:
> >why it's such a terrible sin to kill these jobs.
> Because any automated scheme you come up is likely to ALSO kill off
> some perfectly legitimate jobs.
What I asked for in the first place was just a program to send SIGHUP to
processes, which seemed to be doing nothing.  There will of course always
be cases where this 'seems' is wrong, but a process that wants to live could
easily do signal(SIGHUP,handler) (or nohup).  When doing this, you show that
you are aware of the possible 'auto-killing', and you will be sure not to be
killed.  This is also a nice thing to do on a modem line.
Bjorn Engsig, ORACLE Europe      \ /    "Hofstaedter's Law:  It always takes
 ..!uunet!mcvax!orcenl!bengsig    X      longer than you expect, even if you
phone:  +31 21 59 56 411         / \     take into account Hofstaedter's Law"

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