Ghost file

Andrew R. Large predict at
Wed Nov 16 12:22:45 AEST 1988

In article <17529 at adm.BRL.MIL> ZAT011%DJUKFA11.BITNET at (Thomas Heil) writes:
>I got a little problem with  a "ghost file". It appears when I  list the
>contents of  a directory, but  it can't be accessed  in any way  - every
>program tells  me it doesn't  exist. It can't  even be removed.  But the

Most likely, the file name has some control characters in it that are not
displayed by {ls,your terminal}.  Try doing a 
	% vi *
and see what vi calls it or 
	% ls > file ; vi file
to see what the actual file name is.  You can probably verify its existence by
doing an od -c on the directory and checking the inode number.

In most cases, an rm * should take care of it, or an rm -rf on the dir.
If not, try an fsck on the partition and see if the file goes away.

-- Andy

   *                          Andrew R. Large                              *
  **  (work) 505/255-8611 ------|     Univ of New Mexico EECE Department   **
 ***  (home) 505/888-4010       |---> Management Sciences, Inc. [MSI]      ***
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 ***  Usenet: {convex,gatech,ucbvax,csu-cs,anl-mcs}!unmvax!charon!predict  ***
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   *          If I am quoted, my employers will deny my existence.         *

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