Yellow Pages Error?

simpson at trwarcadia.uucp simpson at trwarcadia.uucp
Fri Oct 21 05:03:41 AEST 1988

Sun OS 3.5. No source license.

We are apparently having trouble with our yellow pages.  Occasionally the
system will get into a state where ~ expansion won't work!  Say I am in
my home directory and I execute the commands
	% echo ~
	% echo ~config					# No output!
	% cat ~config/.cshrc > /tmp/the
	cat: write error: Bad file number		# Huh?
	...execute some more commands...
	% echo ~config
	/usr/arcadia/config				# Now it works!

Does anybody else have this problem or know what is happening?
	Scott Simpson
	TRW Space and Defense Sector
	oberon!trwarcadia!simpson  		(UUCP)
	trwarcadia!simpson at	(Internet)

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