panic: ttyrub

Joe Chapman joe at
Sat Oct 1 01:03:18 AEST 1988

stanonik at (Ron Stanonik) writes:
> We're running 4.3bsd on a vax 780.  Recently we had a panic: ttyrub.
> The tty was a pseudo tty and the panicky application was telnetd.
> The user on that tty was dbx'ing a seeminly innocuous application.

The culprit appears to be a missing case statement in ttyrub(); we've
been running with this fix:

*** tty.c~	Thu Jun  5 03:09:35 1986
--- tty.c	Wed Jun 15 10:39:29 1988
*** 1506,1511 ****
--- 1506,1512 ----
  		case BACKSPACE:
  		case CONTROL:
  		case RETURN:
+ 		case NEWLINE:
  			if (tp->t_flags&CTLECH)
  				ttyrubo(tp, 2);

Joe Chapman	Interactive Systems	Boston
joe at

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