Make & .cshrc
Paul Fox
fox at marlow.uucp
Mon Sep 5 11:48:27 AEST 1988
I have a problem with make and the c-shell. My login shell is the
cshell and here is a copy of my .cshrc:
if (! $?DEPTH) setenv DEPTH ""
setenv DEPTH ":$DEPTH"
set history=150
set path = ( . /usr/bin /bin /etc /usr/local/bin /usr/games /usr/lib /usr/lbin /usr/dbin )
alias h history
alias ls ls -spaCF
alias cd cd \!\* \; set prompt = '\[33m\[1m\($USER at sleepy\)`pwd`$DEPTH\ \[32m'
set cdpath = ( / $HOME)
alias f finger
alias cu cu -s 2400
alias cls echo '\[2J\[H'
alias sane stty sane echoe kill '^U' intr '^C' erase ''
alias GR /usr/local/bin/gr
alias nl nl -ba
alias nroff nroff -mm
alias sdiff sdiff -w80
#alias rps pscript \!\* \| rsh alice cat \\\> /dev/laser
alias rps pscript \!\* \| rsh alice lpr
alias rpr cat \!\* \| rsh alice lpr
alias man man \!\* \| more
alias lpr rsh alice lpr
alias which alias \| /usr/local/bin/which -i
On my Uport V.3, if you create the following makefile
cd .. ; date
and type 'make fred', you get the the date as expected, but you
also get an extra prompt. I've tried this under SunOS 4, and the problem
doesnt exist there. Is this a problem with the System 5 make ?
I also have this problem under Xenix. The problem has something to do
with the alias for 'cd'. The shell seems to be pattern sensitive
to the 'set prompt' in this alias. I think you can delete the other
alias's and the problem persists.
// o All opinions are my own.
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