NFS Security: a summary

MFHorn arosen at
Fri Sep 16 00:36:22 AEST 1988

>From article <7070 at bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU>, by wesommer at (Bill Sommerfeld):
> By the way, last I checked, the side of the NFS protocol which checked
> read-only mounts was the client, not the server.  Don't fool yourself
> into thinking that you can export a partition read-only unless it is
> mounted read-only _on the server_...

In Ultrix 2.2, you can export a filesystem read-only, even if it is
mounted read-write on the server.  Do any other NFS implementations
support this?  Do any other vendors plan on implementing this?

It is a very nice feature, especially when you have 30 or 40 diskless
users with physical access to their workstation.

Andy Rosen           | arosen at | "I got this guitar and I
ULowell, Box #3031   | ulowell!arosen          |  learned how to make it
Lowell, Ma 01854     |                         |  talk" -Thunder Road
                   RD in '88 - The way it should be

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