Sun 4 console message problem

Jim Hutchison hutch at
Sat Sep 24 09:23:42 AEST 1988

In article <1162 at ucsd.EDU> I wrote:
>I have been seeing an interesting problem on a Sun 4/280 I have
>been using to do some dr11-w development.  When the interface is
>very busy (sending continuously for long periods, minutes), console
>messages will occasionally stray off to /dev/ttya instead of going
>to the console.  [...]

From: ll-xn!ames!elroy!!uhley at (John Uhley)
>Random (un)educated guess:  If a sun can't see it's keyboard it
>will try and use ttya (and then ttyb) as a console terminal.  If
>your IO board is stealing cycles from whatever detects a keyboard
>you'd get that kind of effect.

So can anyone at Sun field this?  Is this dynamic reconfiguration of
the console message device?  If so, I "presume" I can expect the
problem anytime the system gets particularly busy.

Atleast its better than not getting the messages anywhere at all (although
they still end up in /usr/adm/messages).

/*    Jim Hutchison   		UUCP:	{dcdwest,ucbvax}!cs!net1!hutch
		    		ARPA:	JHutchison at
     These are my opinions, and now you have your perceptions of them. */

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