Locking errors

John F. Haugh II jfh at rpp386.Dallas.TX.US
Mon Apr 3 14:16:33 AEST 1989

In article <792 at sactoh0.UUCP> caanders at sactoh0.UUCP (Chris A. Anderson) writes:
>How do we change NFLOCK? To relink the kernel we'd need some source
>from Plexus (this may be difficult :-) ).  Is there any other way?
>If we did redefine NFLOCK, what other side-effects could we run 
>into?  Any help would be appreciated!

Oh Boy ...

Edit the file /usr/src/uts/m68/cf/conf.c and locate the line
containing '#define NFLOCK' and change that number to your
favorite value.  I think Plexus does something with NPROC.
Try doubling whatever value they provide.

You will have to relink your kernel next.  There should be
a shell script in /usr/src/uts/:mkuts, or something like that.
Execute that shell script and then go looking for the output.

You don't need anything more than conf.c [ or c.c ] to
regenerate most of your kernels.
John F. Haugh II                        +-Quote of the Week:-------------------
VoiceNet: (214) 250-3311   Data: -6272  | "Do not drink and bake"
InterNet: jfh at rpp386.Dallas.TX.US       |         -- Arnold Swartzenegger
UucpNet : <backbone>!killer!rpp386!jfh  +--------------------------------------

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