How do I unlink directories w/multiple links???

Anton Rang rang at
Fri Apr 14 13:00:39 AEST 1989

System: Sun-3/280, SunOS 3.5 (BSD 4.2-derived I guess).

  I have some directories which are hard linked together.  I want to
get rid of one of the links.  How do I do it?  rm doesn't work ("not
removed"), rmdir doesn't work ("directory not empty", whether it is or
not), unlink doesn't work (EPERM).

    /usr/users/place1/directory  ... is hard linked to ...

  and I can't get rid of either one (or both).

Help?  (Please E-mail if appropriate!)  Thanks in advance....

| Anton Rang (grad student) | "VMS Forever!"         | "Do SAD!" |
| Michigan State University | rang at |                      |

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