R. T. Morris (suspected Internet worm propagator) charged?

R. P. C. Rodgers rodgers at maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.edu
Tue Aug 1 02:16:34 AEST 1989

I heard a brief one-sentence report on the BBC World Service several
days ago to the effect that U.S. Federal authorities had formally
charged R. T. Morris, Jr., with crimes in connection with the Internet
worm of November 1988.  Could someone with accurate details kindly post
them to the net; readers of this newsgroup were very actively involved,
both in fighting off the worm and (afterward) in debating the ethics of
the affair.  Thanks in advance...
R. P. C. Rodgers, M.D.                  Telephone:
Statistical Mechanics of Biomolecules   (415)476-8910 (work)
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry  (415)664-0560 (home)
University of California, Box 1204      E-mail:
Laurel Heights Campus, Room 102         ARPA:   rodgers at cca.ucsf.edu
3333 California St.                             rodgers at maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.edu
San Francisco CA 94118                  BITNET: rodgers at ucsfcca
USA                                     UUCP:

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