
Richard Karasik richard at aeras.UUCP
Thu Aug 31 15:51:16 AEST 1989

We have been having some problems with curses, and ar looking for a way
out. Maybe some Ultrix guru can jump in here with answers.

We have found that Ultrix in its sys V compatibility mode still has
curses do ioctl calls to sgtty structures. We would have expected
it to talk to termio structures.  At any rate if curses does the call
it somehow maybe makes it which means that there is some underlying
finagling going on below curses -perhapsin ioctl.

HOWEVER when we do ioctl calls to the termio structure - it blows,
becuase somehow it still thinks its talking to an sgtty .
Ie curses seems to know whats happening ioctl doesnt.!!!!

Has anyone run into this situation, and if so how can we still do
pinpoint control without using all of curses in ULTRIX.

Please respond directly to ...sun!kass!richard  my news link is
unreliable at best.
Richard Karasik
Saratoga Information Systems
voice 408 741 1106
FAX 408 867 0817

 sun!arete!bud!richard      ||"No, I said the BITS .. massage the BITS"
  " !  "  ! " !kass!richard || Richard Karasik
  " !  "  !richard          || Arix Corp 408 922 8271

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