Portable mknod ?? does it exist?

James Hull hull at hpsal2.HP.COM
Tue Aug 1 06:04:07 AEST 1989

> I have been attempting to write software utilizing named pipes on 
> several hardware platforms.  The same code seems to behave differently
> on each different platform. 
> Sun (SunOS Release 4.0): 
>      mknod works fine
>      read blocks
> Silicon Graphics (Iris 4D1-3.1D IP6):
>      mknod works fine
>      read does not block
> DEC (Ultrix-32 V3.0):
>      mknod works fine
>      open fails with error "No such device or address" (ERRNO: 6)
> HP (HP-UX):
>      mknod fails with error "Invalid argument" (ERRNO: 22)
> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this portable ?
> Or an alternative to named pipes which is portable?

You don't say what series of HP machine you have (300 or 800) or what OS
release you are running.  I tried your example program on a series 800
running HP-UX 3.1 and on a series 300 running 6.5 (these are the latest
releases available) and they both work like the Sun (mknod works fine, read

 -- Jim

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