Porting software to SPARC or MIPS (DEC)
mark eggers
meggers at orion.cf.uci.edu
Wed Aug 2 15:31:16 AEST 1989
Forgive such a broad and ill-defined question . . . .
I've been given the task of sizing and recommending machines for
network services. These services include (but are not limited to)
1. domain name service
2. electronic mail host
3. 'phone book' querying (a la UIUC ph/qi)
4. network monitoring
5. redistributing Usenet news
Currently I have at my disposal 2 Sun 3/60s each with a 156 MB disk and 4 MB
memory (not up to the task, I'm afraid). I also have about 20K (plus whatever
I can get for the Suns).
Three thoughts come to mind - 1) upgrade the Suns with more disk and memory
and purchase another (maybe a little more powerful Sun), 2) Sell the Suns
and purchase DECstations (a 3100 and 2 2100s perhaps), or 3) sell the Suns
and get some SPARC based machines.
I lean toward solution 2) or 3).
Finally, the question. . . . . What has been the experience in porting
network level and system level software to these RISC machines? Quick
synopsis of experiences welcomed.
Thanks for any information - I'll post a summary if there is interest.
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