yet another name of the beast
tawab at net4.UUCP
tawab at net4.UUCP
Sat Aug 26 06:25:43 AEST 1989
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP writes:
>I always thought Sun missed a good opportunity when they named their
>version. We could have had Sunix instead of this boring SunOS....
>der Mouse
SunOS is not as boring as TOS,
I always thought NIXDORF COMPUTER missed a even better opertunity then SUN, when
they named their version. I would have called it something like:
- nunix
- nixnix
Robin Tawab | I don't know where I'm going,
NIXDORF COMPUTER AG | but at least I will be faster.
Dep DTSW 2-4 |
Berliner Str. 95 | If my employers would agree with my
D-8000 Munic (West Germany) | opinions, TOS would be renamed.
Tel.: xxx-89/3601-3171 |
eunet: tawab.muc at nixpbe.UUCP |
!USA: mcvax!unido!nixpbe!tawab.muc |
USA: uunet!linus!nixbur!tawab.muc |
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