sockets vs. STREAMS

Scott Weitzenkamp scott at nova.laic.uucp
Tue Feb 7 18:07:57 AEST 1989

I'm in the process of porting several programs from Sun Unix to System
V.  On the Suns I used sockets for IPC, and I'm slightly confused as
to what to use on System V.  STREAMS look like the way to do it, but
I'm not sure how to start.  I have the System V/386 Streams Primer
(which was a total ripoff at over $20 :-( ) and Streams Programmer's
Guide.  Is there a STREAMS driver similar to Unix domain sockets?  Can
I have a server program simply open any file and start polling it for
messages, while the clients open that same file and start writing to
it?  How does X11 (or X10 for that matter) use STREAMS?  If I can just
get a feel for how to use open(2), I'll be fine.  Thanks in advanc

Scott Weitzenkamp           
Lockheed AI Center	    ARPA:  farmie at  
"The faster I go, the behinder I get."

Scott Weitzenkamp           UUCP:  {,ucbvax}!leadsv!laic!scott
Lockheed AI Center	    ARPA:  farmie at  
"The faster I go, the behinder I get."

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