autoreply - How to ???

Erik E. Fair fair at Apple.COM
Sun Feb 19 18:42:33 AEST 1989

#	Mail back articles in *.test newsgroups to the sender
# Erik E. Fair <ucbvax!fair>
# December 5, 1987 (revised to use domain address)
# March 16, 1986 (revised)
# August 7, 1985
# this file contains the mappings from "uucp" names to fully qualified
# internet domain names:
trap "rm -f ${tmp}; exit 0" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > ${tmp} << 'EOF'
This is an automatic echo of your posting to *.test.
We're mailing this back to you by sending to a hacked up version
of the address in the Path: header (we have some simple routines
in awk to do that), and to the domain address in the From: header
(if the top level domain isn't ".UUCP"). I hope your domain name
is registered so that this will work.

	NNTP service with a :-)

	Erik E. Fair	ucbvax!usenet	usenet at

cat >> ${tmp}
#	Do it all on one command line...
/usr/ucb/Mail -s "Automatic Test Echo" `
	echo '@@UUNAME'
	if [ -f ${gwfile} ] ; then
		cat ${gwfile}
	echo '@@END'
	cat ${tmp}
) | awk -e '
	uuinput	= 0;
	addr	= "";
# Some state changes
/^@@UUNAME/	{ uuinput = 1; next; }
/^@@END/	{ uuinput = 0; next; }
# suck in uuname output for path optimization
	if (uuinput) {
		if (NF == 1) Lsys[$1] = 1;
		if (NF == 2) gateway[$1] = $2;
	n = split($2, address, "@");
	if (n != 2) next;
	hostname = address[2];
	n = split(hostname, domain, ".");
	if (n > 1 && domain[n] != "UUCP" && domain[n] != "uucp")
		print $2;
# This is where we get a return address from. Do path slicing to shorten it.
# One day we will run pathparse and generate something reasonable.
	start = 1;
	altgate = 0;
	n = split($2, path, "!");
	if (n == 2) {
		addr = path[2];
		print addr;
	for(i = 1; i < n; i++) {
		if (Lsys[path[i]]) start = i;
		if (gateway[path[i]]) altgate = i;
# To shorten things further, we recognize other internet gateways to UUCP
# and abuse their good names in return addresses too...
	if (altgate < start) {
		addr = path[start];
		for(i = start + 1; i <= n; i++) {
			addr = addr "!" path[i];
	} else {
		rmthost = gateway[path[altgate]];
		if (altgate == n) {
			addr = path[n] "@" rmthost;
		} else {
			addr = path[altgate];
			for(i = altgate + 1; i <= n; i++) {
				addr = addr "!" path[i];
			addr = addr "@" rmthost;
#	Hell and damnation. Why are decwrl and psuecl putting "@" in Path?
	n = split(addr, parts, "@");
	if (n > 2) {
		addr = parts[1];
		for(i = 2; i < n; i++) {
			addr = addr "%" parts[i];
		addr = addr "@" parts[n];
	print addr;
}'` < ${tmp}

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