8 data bits + parity possible on 4.3 BSD?

Veronica Falcao falcao at stl.olivetti.com
Wed Feb 1 10:58:49 AEST 1989

I'm trying to use a serial port to communicate with a piece
of hardware that expects 8 bits of data plus parity.  I have
been told that this is not possible on 4.3 BSD - that one
can have 7 bits of data plus parity or 8 bits of data if
you're willing to sacrifice parity, or even 8 bits of data
plus parity if you're willing to sacrifice the stop bit.

Well, I suspect it is quite possible if only you know how to
get the magic code through to the UART.  Does anyone know how
this can be done?  As a desperate alternative, I could live
with 8 bits of data and no parity if I can get two stop bits.

Please copy responses to me.  Thank you.

	- Ronnie

Ronnie Falcao, Olivetti Research - Software Technology Lab, Menlo Park, CA
Internet:	RFalcao at olivetti.com
UUCP:		...!{ ames | decwrl | oliveb | pyramid }!oli-stl!RFalcao
Arpanet:	RFalcao%oli-stl.uucp at ames.arc.nasa.gov

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