question on effects on computer tape as videotape...

Peter Li peterli at ucsfmis
Tue Jun 27 14:04:54 AEST 1989

I know this topic has been posted before, but here is a new twist:

1.  How long does it take to ruin the video head if a computer tape is used 
    in place of the videotape ?
2.  Is the destruction dependent on length of tape or play speed or both ?
3.  What is the nature of destruction, is it reversible ?
4.  How complete is the loss of picture and audio ?
5.  Is the computer tape destructive on linear audio head and erase head ?

I am posting this because I remember there were some discussion of this
type before.  So some of you have tried it and witnessed the result,
and I don't really want to repeat the expensive experiment.

Please reply directly to :
    peterli at

Peter Li

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