Reading past end-of-tape?

A. Lester Buck buck at siswat.UUCP
Mon Jun 5 01:03:50 AEST 1989

In article <8413 at pyr.gatech.EDU> david at (David Brown) writes:
>A short while ago, someone put some very important drawings
>onto a 1/4" tape using tar.  Subsequently, and end-of-tape
>marker was written at the beginning of the tape.  I think
>that trashed the first drawing. but the others should still
>be around, just not readily accessable (correct me if I'm
>wrong).  Is there a PD or standard UN*X utility that will 
>read the info that's past the end-of-tape marker?

[I guess this was posted separately to comp.periphs, where I posted
a longer reply.]

The QIC-24 standard requires 45 inches of blank (erased) tape to
follow the last data recorded, and when writing track 0, the
controller erases all 9 tracks at once.  It would take a very
specialized driver violating the standard to read such a tape.

A. Lester Buck		...!texbell!moray!siswat!buck

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