GNU, security, and RMS

Ed Gould ed at mtxinu.COM
Thu Jun 8 17:03:57 AEST 1989

>Now, granted, the security on most PC's is still rather lax, and many
>PC users don't realize how to use it and therefore it ends up being
>pointless.  However, to use the PC community as an example of a
>community without security is, I think, at least partially invalid.

But the point is not that nobody in the PC community cares about
security, but that there are *lots* of PC users who either don't care
or don't know enough to care.  As a counter to the argument "nobody will
buy a system without security," the portion of the PC community that
doesn't bother with security - for whatever reason - serves quite

Ed Gould                    mt Xinu, 2560 Ninth St., Berkeley, CA  94710  USA
ed at mtxinu.COM		    +1 415 644 0146

"I'll fight them as a woman, not a lady.  I'll fight them as an engineer."

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