What kinds of things would you want in the GNU OS?

Pekka Akselin [The Mad Midnight Hacker] pekka at paix.ikp.liu.se
Sat May 27 23:45:07 AEST 1989

In article <338 at arc.UUCP> steve at arc.UUCP (Steve Savitzky) writes:
]In article <4315 at ficc.uu.net> peter at ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
]>names are too short. 255 is ridiculous. Just increase the size of
]>struct dir to 32 bytes and use 30 characters. ..
]Personally, I like 255-character filenames (well, maybe 127), for
]filenames like "comp.unix.wizards-more.stuff.about.GNU.OS".  I HATE
]arbitrary limits, especially when they're small.  The Macintosh :-( has a

I too *HATE* arbitrary limits, it's so restrictive!

Why don't make the filename length dynamic!?
Pekka       (Paix is my private home. VMUNIX computer and I are M.Sc. students)
pekka at paix.ikp.liu.se           Pekka Akselin, Sweden             +46 13 172919

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