How do you tell a wizard?

P E Smee exspes at
Mon Nov 13 22:38:06 AEST 1989

In article <15770 at bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU> jik at (Jonathan I. Kamens) writes:
>% make love
>Make:  Don't know how to make love.  Stop.

Ah.  Under OS/8 (on the PDP-8's, remember them?) 'make' was the command
used to invoke the editor (teco) when making a new file.  The programmer
had decided it would be humourous to catch that, so when you typed:

  make love

it said

  not war

and exited.  Since the 8 was basically a 4K (12-bit word) machine, I used
to resent the lost space.
 Paul Smee               |    JANET: Smee at
 Computer Centre         |   BITNET: at ukacrl.bitnet
 University of Bristol   | Internet: at
 (Phone: +44 272 303132) |     UUCP: ...!uunet!ukc!!exspes

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