ditroff print in landscape orientation on an Apple laserwriter

Ross Parker parker at zaphod.mpr.ca
Tue Nov 21 06:09:02 AEST 1989

In response to the requests I've received, here's a set of diffs to
Adobe transcript v2.1 to add page rotation...
*** psdit.c	Wed Sep 14 22:17:18 1988
--- psdit.c	Mon Nov 20 10:41:31 1989
*** 163,168
  private int	resolution;	/* device resolution */
  private int	minhoriz;	/* minimum horizontal motion */
  private int	minvert;	/* minimum vertical motion */
  private int	onspecial;
  private int	specfont;

--- 160,166 -----
  private int	resolution;	/* device resolution */
  private int	minhoriz;	/* minimum horizontal motion */
  private int	minvert;	/* minimum vertical motion */
+ private int	rot=0;		/* 90 degree rotation */
  private int	onspecial;
  private int	specfont;
*** 313,318
  		if (spage <= 0)
  		    spage = 9999;

--- 311,319 -----
  		if (spage <= 0)
  		    spage = 9999;
+ 	    case 'r':		/* rotate by 90 degrees */
+ 		rot++;
+ 		break;
*** 864,869
      t_slant (0);
      setfont (1);		/* set font */

--- 865,875 -----
      t_slant (0);
      setfont (1);		/* set font */
+     if (rot)					/* 90 degree page rotation */
+     {
+     	printf("90 rotate 0 -4811 translate\n");
+     	printf("/pagesave save def\n");
+     }
Hope this helps!

Ross Parker      				| Why do they put me down?
Microtel Pacific Research Ltd.			| Make out that I'm a clown?
Burnaby, B.C.,	     				| I drink scotch whisky all
Canada, eh?	     uunet!ubc-cs!mpre!parker	|	 day long
(604)293-5495	     parker at mpre.mpr.ca		| Yeah I'm gonna save my money
Disclaimer:					| (gonna put it all away...)
My fingers are doing all the work...		| 'Cause I'm a Scotsman

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