Pronunciations (was: And how do you pronounce "csh"?)

Don Curtis dc at dcpc.UUCP
Thu Oct 26 12:20:31 AEST 1989

In  <440 at nixba.UUCP> mike at nixba.UUCP (Mike Lyons) asks:

	[stuff deleted about how to pronounce things]

>		sed = ess - e - dee
	    sed = said

>		ed  = e - dee
	    ed = ed

>		awk = a - w - k
	    awk = awwk

>		ioctl = i - o control
		ioctl = i-o-c-t-l

>		fcntl = f - control
		fcntl = f-c-n-t-l

>		strrchr = stir - recker
		strchr = (whatever you want)

>		tty  =  t - t - y

>		uucico = you - you - kee - ko

>		HUPCL = hoop - sell
		HUPCL = hup-control

>		mkdir = m - k - dir
		mkdir = make-dir

>		mknod = m - k - node
		mknod = make-node

>		pg  = p - g
		pg = page

	At least that's the way we do it here.

	The one I want to know is how most folks pronounce "char",
	I and most others pronounce it like the first part of
	"character" while others pronounce it like the first
	part of "charcoal"

**              Don Curtis    ...boulder!tcr!dcpc!dc
**                               CompuServe 76703,4321 
**                               76703.4321 at 

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