Returned network mail

Sat Oct 21 09:29:38 AEST 1989

This message was automatically generated.

Your mail message could not be delivered at Dickinson College in Carlisle,
Pennsylvania because the user address was not known at our site.

Addresses at Dickinson College are of the following format:

        username at DICKINSN       e.g., POSTMASTER at DICKINSN
                                  or  ALLAN_J at DICKINSN
                                  or  WOLTER at DICKINSN

Usernames are typically the first 8 letters of the person's last name,
frequently with the first initial added, and occasionally with an
underscore.  As a result, it would be difficult to guess someone's username.
If you do not know the address of someone at Dickinson, please send a
message to POSTMASTER at DICKINSN asking for help.

The following diagnostic is the reason for the return:

        %BNET-W-NOSUCHRCVR, receiver LEYON_C cannot be located

Returned mail follows:
Received: From PSUVM(MAILER) by DICKINSN with Jnet id 8323
          for LEYON_C at DICKINSN; Fri, 20 Oct 89 18:45 EDT
Received: by PSUVM (Mailer R2.03B) id 5160; Fri, 20 Oct 89 18:48:19 EDT
Date:         Fri, 20 Oct 89 16:37:18 EST
Reply-To:     Unix-Wizards at BRL.ARPA
Sender:       Unix-Wizards Mailing List <UNIX-WIZ at NDSUVM1>
From:         "Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E" <mchinni at PICA.ARMY.MIL>
X-To:         "Charles F. Ashley" <LOGSAMS at>
X-cc:         unix-wizards at BRL.MIL
To:           Chris Leyon <LEYON_C at DICKINSN.BITNET>


        If the Unisys has a C compiler, you should be able to write a C program
to read and interpret the RCW and BCW. C allows you to read in an octal value.

        The thing to be carefull of is how you open the tape device. I suggest
reading the on-line manual entry on mt probably in section 7 (i.e. man 7 mt )
for a BSD-type system.

        If you get real lucky, someone will have already written something like
this and had it put in the archive of public-domain unix-sources.

                            Michael J. Chinni
      Chief Scientist, Simulation Techniques and Workplace Automation Team
         US Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center
 User to skeleton sitting at cobweb   () Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey
    and dust covered workstation      () ARPA: mchinni at
      "System been down long?"        () UUCP: ...!uunet!!mchinni

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