fsck fails...help!

David Brown david at pyr.gatech.EDU
Sat Sep 16 01:08:36 AEST 1989

Help!!  Fsck is failing on my machine.  I get the following error:


In my trusty 4.3BSD System Managers Manual, I find that "...This
should never happen.  See a guru."  Well, where better to find them
than comp.unix.wizards?

Is the disk history?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh yeah.  I'm running SunOS4.0.3 on a Sun 3/60 with a 141 Mb Micropolis 1355.

  David Brown

David Brown                       Armstrong State College, Savannah, Georgia
ARPA: david at pyr.gatech.edu        uucp: ...!gatech!gitpyr!david

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