Multiple Root ID's considered evil?

Brian V. Smith envbvs at
Fri Sep 15 12:16:00 AEST 1989

< > I perhaps misrepresented my reason.  The real reason was
< >to grant or remove superuser priv's to specific users without having 
< >to constantly muck with the One True Root Password.  I personally
< >don't do it that way at my site, preferring people to log in as 
< >themselves and su.

< What's the diff?

That way you have an audit trail of people who have su'ed,
either in /var/log/authlog (SunOs4.0) or /usr/adm/sulog (Ultrix X.X).

Brian V. Smith    (bvsmith at
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
I don't speak for LBL, these non-opinions are all mine.

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