On-line TCP/IP based inter-processor comm, HELP

brnstnd at stealth.acf.nyu.edu brnstnd at stealth.acf.nyu.edu
Sun Apr 15 09:21:44 AEST 1990

In article <23310 at abcom.ATT.COM> brr at abcom.ATT.COM (Rao) writes:
> 	What I would like to do is replace the uucp based communication
> 	package (which the deamons use for inter-processor on-line
> 	file transfers) by a TCP/IP based communication software.
> 	This TCP/IP based software can use the TLI interface, or
> 	sockets, or any other appropriate mechanism.

I immodestly recommend my auth package, appearing at Rich's whim in
comp.sources.unix. Programs built to work on top of auth can be made
completly independent of the communications mechanism, to the extent
that someone could swap UUCP or NS or whatever versions of authtcp and
attachport for my TCP versions, and the programs wouldn't notice.


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