Ethernet problem
J. Kim
jkim at
Sat Feb 17 08:54:45 AEST 1990
TO: ethernet and internet experts
We have been hooked up to the MILNET for years. Just recently a need
has been defined to set up an ethernet network with other machines at
our installation. We currently run with UNIX 4.3 BSD on a VAX 11/780
using the named server. I need to know what the problems are in hooking
up an ethernet network up to our VAX. We have tried attaching the
network to a VAX 11/780 running UNIX 4.3 BSD without the named server as a test.
The connection was made to the VAX via a DEC DELUA board, so the
software seems standard. We ran into a few problems. When we run our
ifconfig de0 inet hostname -trailers up netmask, the ifconfig
lo0 localhost reports a bad value. I can run ifconfig lo0
alright but the name localhost cannot be used. Also netstat has lost
the ability to use host names, so now it will only work with the -n option.
Telnet ftp and mail are fine to other machines on the ethernet network.
At this point I need more information before I try hooking the ethernet
network to our VAX 11/780 connected to the Internet. The real hookup will
involve the named server on the VAX and a Promulgate mail server on our
ethernet network to distribute mail to PCs. Any infomation would be
appreciated. I suspect that the problems we had were connected with
the netmask but I have not had the time to confirm this. Please mail
to me directly at jkim at for we have some tough dead lines.
Jeff Kim
jkim at
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