System tuning...repost #3...the saga continues

Steve Hite steve at hite386.UUCP
Fri Feb 9 17:18:45 AEST 1990

    Larry Snyder, sysop of the Northern Star Communications BBS, was 
gracious enough to send me his stune file so I could compare mine with
his to try and figure out why my system hangs (total lockup) if I'm in 
a VP/iX session and don't enter something on the keyboard for about 
15 minutes.  The asterisks in-between the 2nd and 3rd columns are the ones
that differ.  Other than NBUF, I don't see any major differences.  

    I have 8 meg in my system and just used Interactive's 8 meg configuration
in the kconfig system menu.  I had this problem solved at one time but
my stune file bit the dust when I reformatted my disk.  There was a 
discussion in Summer '89 about lock-ups in 386/ix and what parameters to 
"up" to help avoid them.  You got it, I don't remember which ones to change.

    I have absolutely no experience with system tuning and there are
quite a few people who have e-mailed me requesting follow-ups to what
I find out about it, but the funny thing is nobody is responding.  Could
a system tuning guru write an epistle to the net explaining the most 
important parameters to be concerned about to help avoid system lock-ups
with Interactive's 386/ix v2.0.2 (or any PC-based Unix for that matter)?

    I believe this is a known problem to Interactive and would appreciate
it if a representative could respond.  All I can do now is "up" the NBUF
and hope it helps.  THANKS!!

*ident	"@(#)stune	2.4 - 88/07/21"

       Mine                ...!iuvax!ndmath!nstar!larry (Larry Snyder)
NBUF          	600    *  NBUF          	1200
NPROC         	100       NPROC         	100
MAXUP         	30        MAXUP         	30
NCLIST        	200       NCLIST        	200
SHLBMAX       	8         SHLBMAX       	8
NOFILES       	20        NOFILES       	20
NSTREAM       	96     *  NSTREAM       	64
NQUEUE        	400    *  NQUEUE        	256
NBLK4096      	4         NBLK4096      	4
NBLK2048      	32        NBLK2048      	32
NBLK1024      	32        NBLK1024      	32
NBLK512       	32        NBLK512       	32
NBLK256       	64        NBLK256       	64
NBLK128       	256    *  NBLK128       	128
NBLK64        	256       NBLK64        	256
NBLK16        	256       NBLK16        	256
NBLK4         	128       NBLK4         	128
NINODE        	400       NINODE        	400
NS5INODE      	400       NS5INODE      	400
NFILE         	400       NFILE         	400
NMOUNT        	25        NMOUNT        	25
NREGION       	350       NREGION       	350
NHBUF         	256       NHBUF         	256
NPBUF         	20        NPBUF         	20
NAUTOUP       	15     *  NAUTOUP               120	
BDFLUSHR      	1         BDFLUSHR      	1
MAXPMEM       	0         MAXPMEM       	0
FLCKREC       	100       FLCKREC       	100
VHNDFRAC      	16        VHNDFRAC      	16
GPGSLO        	25        GPGSLO        	25
GPGSHI        	40        GPGSHI        	40
MAXUMEM       	4096      MAXUMEM       	4096
GPGSMSK       	1056      GPGSMSK       	1056
MAXFC         	1         MAXFC         	1
MAXSC         	1         MAXSC         	1
MINARMEM      	40        MINARMEM      	40
MINASMEM      	40        MINASMEM      	40
NSTRPUSH      	9         NSTRPUSH      	9
STRLOFRAC     	80        STRLOFRAC     	80
STRMEDFRAC    	90        STRMEDFRAC    	90
NLOG          	3         NLOG          	3
MSGMAP        	100       MSGMAP        	100
MSGMAX        	2048      MSGMAX        	2048
MSGMNB        	4096      MSGMNB        	4096
MSGMNI        	50        MSGMNI        	50
MSGTQL        	40        MSGTQL        	40
MSGSEG        	1024      MSGSEG        	1024
SEMMAP        	10        SEMMAP        	10
SEMMNI        	10        SEMMNI        	10
SEMMNS        	60        SEMMNS        	60
SEMMNU        	30        SEMMNU        	30
SEMMSL        	25        SEMMSL        	25
SEMOPM        	10        SEMOPM        	10
SEMUME        	10        SEMUME        	10
SEMVMX        	32767     SEMVMX        	32767
SEMAEM        	16384     SEMAEM        	16384
SHMMAX        	1048576   SHMMAX        	1048576
SHMMIN        	1         SHMMIN        	1
SHMMNI        	100       SHMMNI        	100
SHMSEG        	6         SHMSEG        	6
SHMALL        	512       SHMALL        	512
ULIMIT        	12288     ULIMIT        	12288

Steve Hite

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