Termid (was: Re: Login (unique) problems with terminal emulations.)

David Barts davidb at Pacer.UUCP
Wed Jan 3 16:51:01 AEST 1990

In article <3153 at taux01.UUCP>, amos at taux01.UUCP (Amos Shapir) writes:
> In article <1030 at dialogic.UUCP> drich at dialogic.UUCP (Dan Rich) writes:
> >Before I go off into an answer for this, does anyone know of a way to
> >auto-identify a terminal at login?  I know that this can be done,
> Here's how, at least for ANSI-compatible terminals:
> :
> :

This is a neat trick, basically what SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE does on
VAX/VMS.  Go ahead and put it in your own .login or .profile, but
*please* don't put it in the sitewide files.  There is a chance that
if the terminal being used is not an ANSI terminal, the ANSI
`who-are-you' escape sequence will be far from innocuous.

As a case in point, when I was in college I would cu from an HP system
to a VAX/VMS system.  I found out the hard way that the series of
escape codes sent out by SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE just happen to cause the
HP terminal I was using to do a master reset (everything was reset,
down to baud, parity, and handshaking).  I wasn't the only user
bitten by this change, and needless to say the site-wide login script
was changed back in a matter of hours.
David Barts			Pacer Corporation
davidb at pacer.uucp		...!fluke!pacer!davidb

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