stdio/socket interaction

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL
Fri Jun 1 05:43:22 AEST 1990

In article <1787 at cirrusl.UUCP> dhesi%cirrusl at (Rahul Dhesi) writes:
>When reading from a file descriptor connected to a socket (or to a tape
>device) the read() system call may return fewer bytes than requested.
>Thus if a process wants to read exactly n bytes, it must loop on read()
>until it has enough data (or until read() returns 0 bytes indicating

Quite right; in fact there is no guarantee for anything other than
(under certain circumstances that you can look up) pipes/fifos that
a read() will not return a short count even if all the data is
available.  Indeed, UNIX terminal handlers normally return at most
one line per read().

>Given this, how safe is it to use fdopen() to attach such a file
>descriptor to a buffered "FILE *" file?  Is there a possible problem
>with fgets(), for example, returning less than a complete line, or
>fread() returning fewer items than requested, even if EOF has not been
>reached?  Or does the stdio library loop on a read() and always read
>the requested number of bytes?

In reasonable UNIX implementations, fread() and fgets() only return a
short count when a read() returns 0 (treated as EOF condition) or
negative (error).  It should be trivial to test this on your particular
implementation, exploiting the terminal handler behavior (type your so-
called EOF character to insert delimiters at the points you want read()s
to return).

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