Stupid man pages

Michael Crawford escher at Apple.COM
Thu Jun 7 09:39:52 AEST 1990

Berkeley 4.3 has:

     crash - what happens when a VAX  kernel crashes

     This section explains what happens when the system crashes
     and (very briefly) how to analyze crash dumps.

     When the system crashes voluntarily it prints a message of
     the form

          panic: why i gave up the ghost

     on the console, takes a dump on a mass storage peripheral,
     and then invokes an automatic reboot procedure as described
     in reboot(8).  (If auto-reboot is disabled on the front

Now I would swear that under some rev of SunOS, the "takes a dump"
was replaced with something more polite, but under 4.0.3, it says
that again!  Maybe it got snuck back in.

System 5.2 tee(1) says:

	tee - pipe fitting

but SunOS 4.0.3 says:

     tee - replicate the standard output

I am divided on the issue of professionalization of manual pages.  I do
support it in the case that it makes manual pages clearer.  An
unsophisticated user perusing the man pages might be a little mystified
why a plumbing device was documented in the Unix Manual.

Have any marketing types tried to do anything to take daemonology out
of the system?  I imagine there may be countries that would not accept
Unix because they don't like invoking daemons.

Michael D. Crawford
Oddball Enterprises		Consulting for Apple Computer Inc.
606 Modesto Avenue		escher at
Santa Cruz, CA 95060		Applelink: escher at
oddball!mike at	The opinions expressed here are solely my own.

		alias make '/bin/make & rn'

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