Need advice about a low cost unix for PS/2

Steve Back sback at
Thu Jun 28 04:24:46 AEST 1990

I would like to upgrade my current IBM PS/2 Model 80/44 to a X windows
development platform.

My current base:

1 IBM 16Mh PS/2, 44 MB HD. 1MB RAM.

In the subject line above I say "low cost" I know I must be reasonable
so I'll define low cost as a $3,000 budget.

The best price for memory I have found for my machine is $950 for 4MB.

Hard disks of any size (NOT IBM) for my machine is hard to find, any

I am not brandname picky about which unix I purchase but it must
handle very large programs (minix is out) A 1-2 user license is OK but
I'll need the developers packages. (dbx and cc are minimal, f77 would
be nice)

There must be people out there who have already gone through this, I'm
interested in your experiences.

Steven Back
sback at

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